
Studies of optimal floater settings in Vertical Connection Operations with few clicks

Tritons is an analysis tool intended for flexible pipeline installers in the offshore oil and gas industry, assisting in searching for the pipeline’s optimal configuration in direct Vertical Connection Operations.

How Tritons works?

With Tritons, an analyst can obtain various configurations of floaters or ballast weights automatically. Our algorithm runs hundreds of possibilities in seconds, achieving results that an analyst would take several trials and error hours. 

Tritons allows you to select, compare, or even create multiple settings for a Direct Vertical Connection operation in a few clicks. Beyond delivering optimized results, Tritons also streamlines the reanalysis of a given scenario, mitigating operational costs due to vessels’ downtime. Additionally, the resulting configurations obtained with Tritons can be exported to Orcaflex, allowing its usage in dynamic simulations.

Tritons have already been used in the Brazilian offshore market, bringing installers advantages and benefits such as:

Tritons is a software produced by Iara systems. To obtain a license or more information, please contact us.